What's in a Name?
So . . . what is Minnepolitisphere?
Well, it's a name that is a metaphor in its complexity. It's an attempt to reflect just how complicated the Minnesota Political Atmosphere has become. And why not? What used to be considered a solidly liberal, only-state-to-vote-Mondale-instead-of-Reagan, bastion of left leaning labor and agriculture politics is now in transition. Or is it?
The purpose of this blog is to track the political direction of the state. To try to find the emerging themes that are shaping its attitudes, opinions and political future as seen through its leaders, media, politicos and grassroots movements.
Minnesota's political story is evolving through the bits and pieces of politica that occur each week - some leading the news and others lurking in the back rooms. Minnepolitisphere will try to pick up on those that are important or interesting . . .or somewhere in between.
So, will the Taxpayers League lead the way or will the Wellstone Democrats turn the tide? Or is that even the right question (don't count out those Greens and Independencers).
In any event, Stay Tuned . . .
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