Olive Branch or Sucker Punch?
Shawn Towle of ChecksandBalances.com had an interesting take on Governor Pawlenty's saying that he would sign a statewide smoking ban if the legislature passed it. Towle sees this as a calculated move by Pawlenty to force the DFL to shoot themselves in the foot. The idea being that if the measure is pushed through mostly along party lines by a post-election, newly-empowered, DFL legislature, the DFL will pay for it come next election day. The Governor would get to look as if he's trying to be more compromising by acquiescing to the "will of the people" in their choice to elect DFLers; while actually forcing the DFL to anger a good portion of their base. The "DFL Smoking Ban" would give the Republicans a simple, concrete, symbol to cast the DFL as the party that doesn't think you're smart enough to make your own decisions.
I'd like to think that the Governor's offer is less cynical and simply an acknowledgment that Republican legislators took a beating at the polls and that it makes sense to take some positions that acknowledge the public's current preference in the hope that both sides of State government can get beyond the partisan bickering and move to the middle to get some work done. But then again, people tell me I'm Minnesota-nice.
It will be interesting to watch the dynamics of both sides as this issue plays out, though. As I look into my crystal ball, I can see Steve Swiggum adopt an "aw shucks . . . what can I do?" attitude about it. I can hear him on MPR right now . . .
Swiggum [in the future]: "Well Gary, the people elected a lot of new DFL members to the House and this was an issue they ran on. I don't agree with it, but it wouldn't be fair of me not to let them have a vote on it. I'm making a pledge right now not to get this locked up in committee. We'll let them have their vote and then we can move on."
Gary Eichten [in the future]: "Do you disagree with the Governor on this issue? He's said he'd sign it if it comes to his desk. Do we have a little inter-party conflict here?"
Swiggum [in the future]: "Absolutely not Gary, we're all just trying to end the gridlock and move forward in a positive way. I'm sure the Governor has his reasons for agreeing to sign the bill, but I haven't really had a chance to discuss it with him. I'm sure he just wants to work together in a positive way with both sides of the aisle. I think the Governor is showing real leadership in acknowleging that the voters spoke in the last election and if this issue is important to the DFL, they can have their day and we can move on to the rest of the legislative agenda."
The really interesting part will be watching Matt Entenza spot the log across the road and try to either pull the Republicans on board the train or effect an amazing u-turn on the issue. This would probably be in the form of a bill to "create a committee to study the impact a smoking ban would have on Minnesota's business climate and related tax revenues" . . . information that would be "necessary" prior to a vote on this issue in during the current budgetary crisis.
Then again, maybe they'll all just advocate for what they think is in the best interest of the average Minnesotan and let the chips fall as they may. (there I go with that Minnesota-nice thing again)
We'll see what happens . . .